Makna Istiqomah | 7 Wallpaper Gambar Kartun Muslim dan Muslimah laki laki book HD png
seorang Muslim telah mencapai
kesempurnaan Pribadi dan Sosialnya, maka hanya ada satu hal lagi yang dia
perlukan, yaitu
bagaimana bertahan dalam kesempurnaan itu sampai akhir hayat.
nilai seseorang Muslim tidaklah ditentukan di awal hidupnya, tidak juga di
pertengahan hidupnya, tetapi justru di akhir
makna istiqamah atau konsistensi.
Dan kekuatan yang dapat membuat kita tetap
konsisten adalah Kesabaran.
Design by MCV (Media Creative Visio)
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Makna Istiqomah | 7 Wallpaper Gambar Kartun Muslim dan Muslimah laki laki book HD png
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Makna Istiqomah | 7 Wallpaper Gambar Kartun Muslim dan Muslimah laki laki book HD png
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Meaning of Istiqomah
When a Muslim has
attained his Personal and Social perfection, there is only one more thing he
needs, namely how to
survive in perfection until the end of life.
Because, the value
of a Muslim is not determined at the beginning of his life, nor in the middle
of his life, but precisely at the end of his life.
That is the meaning
of istiqamah or consistency.
And the strength that can keep us consistent is
| 7 Muslim Cartoon Image Wallpapers and book HD png Muslim women
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